Lifestyle Fashion

3 steps for a natural summer makeup

Summer calls for no-fuss makeup. A naturally pretty look that doesn’t scratch when you sweat. Something that requires little maintenance and that looks great on the beach.

The problem is, that carefree nude makeup look is much harder to pull off than a painted face. How do you wear makeup and seem to have been born that way?

Start taking care of your skin now. Your body is made of what you eat and drink. Eat junk food and drink lots of sweet carbonated water and caffeine, and that’s what your body has to work with. Your skin reflects the state of your health. If your body is full of junk, chances are your skin is blotchy, congested, or at least far from its best. You may get away with it while you’re young, but sooner or later, your excesses will catch up with you.

Skip the line. Instead, drink plenty of plain water, spring water, or mineral water. Get a two liter bottle of mineral water, or fill a 2 liter bottle with drinking water and be sure to finish it at the end of the day. If you can’t tolerate plain water, squeeze a lemon and add that lemon juice to the water for flavor. This would give your body a chance to clean out the rubbish.

Then cut back on junk food, oily fries with an oily burger are going to load your body with more fat. If your skin is blemished, cutting back on fat and sugar may help. By the way, bacteria love sugar and you can thank them for those infected spots on your face. Stop feeding the bacteria, keep your hands and hair away from your face, and let your skin recover. Great summer makeup is best achieved with good skin, so the sooner you start, the better for you.

Now for the actual makeup. If you take care of your skin, putting on that natural beach makeup would be a breeze.

Step 1 – Perfect with concealer

Depending on the state of your skin, you may or may not need concealer. If your skin is great, just use a tinted moisturizer. [] to add color to your face. Choose a shade as close as possible to your natural color.

If you have pimples, use a brush and apply some concealer on them. If you have dark rings, hide them too with a concealer. Use as little as possible to maintain your natural look.

Step 2 – Paint with lipstick

Make your lips completely kissable. Soft, rosy lips that shimmer in the sun are perfect for summer…and all year long.

You will need a touch of lipstick to add color to your bare face. Choose a pretty color like coral, pink, or a soft pink. The trick is to look in the mirror and see the color inside your lip. Choose your lipstick in a color similar to that for the most natural and pretty look.

Take a lip brush and paint over the lipstick. Start by drawing the outline of your lips with the lip brush, then fill it in. Blot the lipstick with a tissue and reapply. This would help the color stay longer. Apply a lip gloss to make it shine all over your lips, or at least the center of your lower lip to make them look fuller.

Step 3 – Highlight with mascara

Bring the focus to your eyes. Your eyes are your best asset. Especially when framed by lush lashes. Since it’s summer, opt for a waterproof mascara. Make sure you get a good eye makeup remover to remove your eye makeup every night before bed.

Prepare a clean mascara wand to separate your lashes. You can wash and dry an old mascara wand, or you can buy an eyelash comb.

Apply mascara on your upper lashes. Then, apply a bit of mascara to your lower lashes with the tip of your mascara wand. Separate the lashes with a clean mascara brush or wand and allow the mascara to dry. Once the mascara is completely dry, you can apply a second coat if you want more dramatic lashes. Separate the lashes after this second layer as well.

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