The 5 Key Factors in Worship

What are your thoughts when worship comes up in conversation? Do you only think about music? Is it preaching? Most of the time, the focus regarding worship tends toward music. There are different elements that make up a worship service. Music is just one part of a bigger picture. There are many ways we show our worship to God. In […]

Character education that excites young children!

Character education in many elementary schools bores children. It affects them the same way the freshman story affected me and my college friends. We promised that no one could make history more boring than our teacher. On special occasions, however, the professor changed gears. He employed a teaching method that turned bland into exciting in an instant. That same method […]

Alternative medicine treatment for C. difficile infection

This article may be for you or someone you love, it is for patients seeking help. Clostridium difficile has other names such as FDC, C. diff, antibiotic-associated colitis; colitis – pseudomembranous; necrotizing colitis. Unfortunately, the common treatment of C. difficile with antibiotics cannot prevent relapse. This opportunistic infection causes diarrhea and is linked to 14,000 American deaths each year, and […]

The 3 Elements of a Captivating Presentation

You’ve been doing the same old presentations, year after year. Same script. The same slide deck with the same cute cat clip art. The same old brochures… the same old proposals… You know it. I know. What you may not know, however, is that while your presentation may not have changed, your results have. Same presentation – diminishing returns. No, […]